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Why doesn't the date show up on my page?

I have heard from several people that the date for many of my scripts is causing 501 errors and messing up the scripts. This seems to happen the most on Sun OS machines, and the problem seems to be that there are a couple of characters that the version of date you are running does not support. Specifically the %A and %Z options. If you are having problems with the date, try one of the three options below:

  1. This one usually happens on Sun OS machines:

    Change any of the commands and lines that contain something similar to:

         $date = `date +"%A ... %Z"`;

    so that they no longer have any %A or %Z attributes in them.

  2. Another possible problem is that you are using the default cgi-bin on an NCSA server or another web server that comes with a pre-made cgi script called 'date'. This can cause problems if you do not set your script to point to the unix date command. To find out where that is, type this at your unix prompt:
        which date

    That should give you a path to the date command.

  3. The third and final possible problem could arise if you are not using a Unix machine to run these scripts on. This is often where my scripts fail on other machines. I have heard from many people that the following will fix it:

    At the top of the script just beneath the #! line, put the following statement:

         require "ctime.pl";

    Then wherever you see the $date variable being defined, substitute it for:

         $date = &ctime(time);

Hopefully one of the above solutions will help to fix any date problems you may be having with my scripts.

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